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We suggest a single sentence about your campaign with 35 character max. Speak to your audience.

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Plumfund organizers who thoughtfully present their story, experience much higher contribution rates.


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A compelling photo really grabs potential contributors.

Plumfund campaigns with a clear photo of the goal or beneficary get higher contribution rates.


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We recommend your title contains 10 to 35 characters

We suggest at least three sentences about your campaign, with 500 characters max. Speak to your audience.

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A clearly written message really grabs your audience.

Plumfund campaigns that tell a compelling story experience much higher contribution rates.


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Blessings for Baby Juniper!

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A babyfund forBaby Juniper

$100 given of $3,333 goal

Blessings for Baby Juniper!

Started by: Cedar Wimmer


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Dearest loved ones,

As you may have noticed, our family has been almost completely absent from social media for a while now. To be honest, with work, home schooling, and various projects in progress, we've just been too busy to keep everyone updated online! So, that being said, we feel it's finally time for a little update!

Lots of beautiful changes have been taking place over the past year, the one we're most stoked about being that last September we learned our little family is being blessed with a brand new member!! Yep, after almost 6 years, Stella Irie is finally going to be a big sister and we're beyond grateful to say the least!

Our little girl is due to join the family sometime around May 22nd.

Wait, what?? We know, we know. If you're just learning this info, we apologize for keeping you in the dark. It was our decision this time around to wait before spreading the good news, but we honestly didn't plan on taking this long. What can we say? With everything going on, time has just flown by and we are blown away by how soon our new little one will be arriving!

When we had Stella some very generous folks at Kountry Kitchen where Dyllan worked threw us a truly abundant baby shower, but since moving to Asheville and away from the majority of our family/friends, we won't be having a shower this time. Instead, we'd like to invite anyone, who feels called to, to donate to our baby fund!

Though we invested in/were gifted a bunch of cloth diapers and clothes with Stella there are still some items we'll need to stock up on. Since we are having a home birth there are quite a few expenses to take care of that unfortunately won't be covered by our Medicaid like a midwife as well as supplies for before, during, and after birth!

Another welcome change this time around is that Dyllan will be able to take off up to 6 weeks paternity leave, which is a big difference from last time when he was only able to take off a few days. He is working to save up as much paid time off as possible, but it won't be enough to cover all the time. So, any support you can offer to help us buffer the difference and still have that much needed family time will be deeply appreciated!

Thank you infinitely to everyone in advance and please don't feel obligated to donate if it's not doable for you at this time! We are grateful for any form of support and truly innerstand if you aren't able to offer more than love and warm blessings!

This platform is just one way to donate so if you'd prefer to see us in person, send it through the mail, money gram, Western Union, etc. just let us know.

We love you all and can't wait to share our beautiful new family member with you!

Dyllan, Cedar, Stella Irie, & Baby Juniper

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  • Meime and Poppa1 year ago Love you all !!!